Last week on the blog, we shared 10 Compelling Reasons to Write Scripture. (If you missed that post, you can check out the reasons HERE.)
Nevertheless, one persuasive reason for writing Scripture is that it is not a complicated process. Scripture writing is simple and accessible. It is doable any time of the day and for any length of time one has available. And it does not require a lot of preparation and materials.
* Choose something to write your Scripture on.
Think about how you are wired and your daily habits when making your choice. For instance, if you are inspired by beauty or drawn toward new journals, you might want to consider purchasing a new journal with a pretty cover. On the other hand, if you live by your daily planner, you might choose to write your daily Scriptures in your planner. Other options include, but are certainly not limited to, a simple notebook, composition book, or stack of index cards.
* Gather your writing instruments.
Again, there are no hard and fast rules. The choice is yours. Have a favorite ballpoint pen? Use it. How about a set of colorful gel pens that make your face light up when you use them? Pencils, markers, there’s no wrong choice.
* Select the Scripture verses for your daily writing.
The Scriptures you choose to write can come from anywhere:
- A current Bible Study
- Sunday School lessons
- Sermon notes
- Bible apps
- A word or topic of special interest to you
- Scripture Writing challenges (easily found through Google and Pinterest searches)
- Your personal favorites
* Pray.
Pray “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him” and that “the eyes of your heart [will be] enlightened” (Ephesians 1:17-18a).
* Begin!
Prioritize your Scripture Writing by scheduling it. Make a daily appointment with God, your notebook, and yourself… and write!
Simple, yet powerful!
On its own, Scripture Writing helps us slow down, focus, reflect, and remember. It is also an act of worship that provides rest and cultivates a deeper relationship with our Lord.
If that weren’t enough to convince us of the importance of Writing Scripture, the process is also an effective and dynamic aid for meditating on, memorizing, and praying Scripture.
What Scripture will you write this week?
Engaging the Scripture: Encountering God in the Pages of His Word
The Bible is one of God’s greatest gifts to His people. It’s a gift that is vital to the health of our soul. Yet many of us are missing out on many of the benefits of this amazing gift because we don’t feel that we know how to read it for understanding. Engaging the Scripture explores 5 ways a reader can learn to interact with the text of the Bible, encountering God.
Susan Jackson
I loved this. I do scripture writing. I love your suggestions. It is an awesome thing to do for many reasons. Glad to find your ministry via Debs FB. I shared this to pinterest!
Lisa Blair
This is a great insight, Rebecca, “Scripture Writing helps us slow down, focus, reflect, and remember. It is also an act of worship that provides rest and cultivates a deeper relationship with our Lord.”
Rebecca Hastings
Writing scriptures is such a great way to get them into my brain and my heart!
So glad to meet you, Susan! Thank you for your visit today and for sharing to pinterest.