Here in the Midwest, winter is in full swing — Christmas and all of its activity are a memory. Days are cold and grey. A grandmother with her visiting grandchildren could easily find herself wondering what they will do for entertainment.
I watch two of my grands a couple of days a week and often we pull out an idea from last year’s article, 30 (Winter Season) Things to Do with Your Grandkids when we are wondering what to do. (If you would like to refer to the list, you can find it in the blog archives. The date was February 6, 2014.) Other times, we just come up with something off the top of our heads.
Here’s what’s keeping us entertained this winter.
1. Indoor Hide and Seek
This is number 15 on the list. It was a huge favorite last year and continues to be this year. Our biggest problem this year is that the four-year-old is getting much better at hiding, but the two-year-old still gives whoever is hiding with her away!
2. Projects
The kids absolutely love project time. Sometimes we plan the projects ahead, and sometimes we simply pull out some construction paper and glue sticks. Either way, they love it.
3. Board Games
Number 3 from the list. Honestly, last year we didn’t play any board games. It was more than this grandma wanted to tackle with a one- and three-year old. However, this year we have taken Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, and Cootie off the shelf. So far, Cootie is the clear favorite.
4. Legos
Number 24. Another thing they are old enough for this year. We used them last year from time to time while the younger child was napping, but this year they both get a thrill from creating with the Legos.
5. Visiting the Library
Number 21 from the list. Two weeks ago we ventured to the library for the first time. We have become regular attenders. Library visits are our Friday morning thing–the books, the computers, the puzzles. And last week, we checked out our first books and brought them to Grandmas with us.
Like Projects listed above, the next two activities keeping us busy this winter are not from the list. Sometimes you just do what you have to do:
6. Paper Snowballs
We were talking snow, but there wasn’t any. So… We dug into the stack of scrap paper grandpa keeps us supplied with and started making snowballs. I have to say that this has become one of our absolute favorite ways to spend some time together. Almost every time the kids walk in the door, they want to have a snowball fight. After the first couple of repeats on the snowballs, I became a bit weary of making new ones every visit so we finally found a huge container to keep them in and just replace the snowballs as needed. On a recent visit to my home, my auntburst out laughing when she realized that what she had been staring at on the hearth was our bucket of snowballs!
7. Scrambled Egg Friday
The first week I watched my grandchildren this school year, my grandson asked for scrambled eggs for breakfast – on Friday. We have enjoyed scrambled eggs each Friday since. It is another one of “our things!” And the children love to help prepare the breakfast and clean it up. Between scrambled egg Friday and the library, Friday mornings are taken care of!
One other activity that keeps us working and playing together is an activity I came across while doing research for the original list. It was at the top of our list last year and continues there this year:
8. Masking Tape Race Track
This was number 27 on the list. Here is the link for the original post:
Last year we created a “masking tape” town while three of my long-distance grandchildren were here visiting for a week. With five children, ages eight through one, in my care, I needed things to keep their interest. Our town became the center of much of our activity for two days. The three children who were visiting enjoyed it so much they continued to make their own versions after returning home. And this year it is not uncommon for my grandson to ask if we can get out the masking tape and make a road.
What Activities Are You Planning This Winter?
Spending time with your grandchildren does not have to cost a lot or require a great deal of materials. What they need is time with us!
If you have an activity or two that you are enjoying with your grandchildren this winter, please share it with us in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!