Worship: At the Feet of Jesus

Most of us have a spot, a favorite place – one that helps bring refreshment to our body and soul. For my daughter, it’s the beach. Give her the sun, sand, and flip flops, and she is in her happy place. My husband, on the other hand, prefers the mountains. If it is a getaway…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

March 18, 2021
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Most of us have a spot, a favorite place – one that helps bring refreshment to our body and soul. For my daughter, it’s the beach. Give her the sun, sand, and flip flops, and she is in her happy place. My husband, on the other hand, prefers the mountains. If it is a getaway he needs, he heads to the Smokeys.

Where is that place for you – the one that helps bring refreshment to your body and soul? Is it perhaps the beach or the mountains, or is it another place entirely?

Mary of Bethany

For Mary of Bethany, that place was the feet of Jesus.

While we only come across Mary a few times in the Bible, it is interesting to note that each time we do, she is in the exact same place.

In the well-known account of Jesus’ visit with Mary and her sister, Martha, we find Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus while a distracted Martha is scurrying about. Later, just days after the death of her brother Lazarus, Mary is throwing herself at His feet in an expression of grief. And in a third encounter, we find her once again at the feet of Jesus. This time anointing them with oil and wiping them with her hair.

Could it be that this place – the feet of Jesus – is what compelled her worship?

Here, Mary has tasted Jesus’ wisdom as she clung to His words.

Here, she has experienced His mighty resurrection power when overcome with grief.

Is it any wonder that this special place, His feet, is the place where Mary chose to offer her lavish gift of worship as she held nothing back?

Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair.

John 12:3

At the Feet of Jesus

Do you, like Mary of Bethany, find yourself often at the feet of Jesus?

Are you spending time in the Bible clinging to His words? Do you daily take your grief to Him in prayer? Holding nothing back, can you be found offering your gift of worship at His feet?

Be drawn to His feet. Find yourself there, often. He is waiting for you.

Exalt the Lord our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he! 

Psalm 99:5

Just for Praise & Worship: Resources for Responding to God with Our Entire Being

This 48-page downloadable resource includes 10 Scripture-based exercises for growing in the wonder of God and learning to worship Him in awe. Perfect for individual use or small groups.

$5 – Available through Gumroad.



  • Beautifully stated, Deborah, “Could it be that this place – the feet of Jesus – is what compelled her worship? Here, Mary has tasted Jesus’ wisdom as she clung to His words. Here, she has experienced His mighty resurrection power when overcome with grief…this special place, His feet, is the place where Mary chose to offer her lavish gift of worship.” Thanks for sharing.

  • […] Click Here To Read This Week’s Featured PostWorship: At the Feet of Jesus […]

  • Heather Hart

    Deborah – I adore this post. I’ll be featuring it tomorrow for Grace and Truth on Candidly Christian. Thank you for these beautiful words, that are such a simple reminder of how wonderful it is to be at the feet of Jesus.

  • Heather, I just love this example left to us by Mary of Bethany! May it be said of us as well. Thank you for sharing the post at Grace and Truth.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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