Verse Mapping: Luke 12:32

  Verse Mapping The idea behind Verse Mapping is that through the PROCESS OF EXAMINING A VERSE MORE CLOSELY, it  can be made yours forever.   Simple Steps Step 1    Grab your materials:  a canvas (index card, sheet of paper, journal page, etc.) your Bible, and something to write with. Step 2    Choose a verse…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

May 3, 2018
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Verse Mapping

The idea behind Verse Mapping is that through the PROCESS OF EXAMINING A VERSE MORE CLOSELY, it  can be made yours forever.


Simple Steps

Step 1   

Grab your materials:  a canvas (index card, sheet of paper, journal page, etc.) your Bible, and something to write with.

Step 2   

Choose a verse for mapping.

Step 3   

Write the verse on your “canvas” leaving plenty of space around and within the verse.

Step 4   

Map your verse.  Look up word definitions (even words you know), locate synonyms, personalize pronouns.  (See the Verse Mapping Guide for additional ideas.)

Step 5

At the close of your Mapping time or at the end of your day, take another look at the verse. Write a prayer sharing with God what you have learned.


Luke 12:32 – A Verse Map

Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.  Luke 12:32


Honestly, it’s quite certain I would not have gained much insight from simply reading the words of this verse.  My eyes would have scanned the familiar words but I would not have “seen” the deep riches held within.  The process of Verse Mapping — writing out the verse by hand and looking closely at each word — slowed me down to “see.”


We are addressed as “little flock” – We are His flock. He is our Shepherd.  Psalm 23:1 – The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.
“Father’s” – We are His children. He is our Father.
kingdom” – He is our King.  He can give us the kingdom because He is the King.


 What does this verse reveal to me about God?

As my Shepherd, He protects and provides.  He leads and cares.

As my Father, He loves, guides, cares, and provides.  He is tender, yet authoritative.

As my King, He is powerful, sovereign, and wealthy.  He is generous and happy to give.

In treasuring and trusting Him (my Shepherd, my Father, my King), I can be FEARLESS!

What do you see in Luke 12:32?





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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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