Top 10 Posts for 2017 and Other Fun Facts

  The final week of December.  Actually, the final few days of December.  Can you believe it?  We are here again, already, knocking on the door of a brand new year.  Before we turn the handle, it’s time to reflect upon the old year for just a bit by taking a look at the Top…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

December 28, 2017
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The final week of December.  Actually, the final few days of December.  Can you believe it?  We are here again, already, knocking on the door of a brand new year.  Before we turn the handle, it’s time to reflect upon the old year for just a bit by taking a look at the Top 10 Posts for 2017.
But before we get there, I thought it would be fun to share a few other interesting and informative facts from the year.

Pinterest Top Pins:

Who Am I? My Identity in Christ

Verse Mapping: with a Twist

John 17:3 – A Verse Map

Verse Mapping

10 Ways to Cultivate a Heart of Thanks

How to Dig Deeper Into the Scripture: Pray It

Come, Behold, Adore: An Advent Experience

Names of Jesus Scripture Challenge

Confessions of a Christian Journaler

The Joy of the Lord Scripture Challenge

“My Identity in Christ” continues to be the top Pinterest Pin – by far!!  Several visitors come to the blog each day from that pin alone.
As you look at the other top pins, do you notice any themes?  It’s so interesting to see what women’s hearts are drawn to and what they are pinning.
If any of these pins piques your interest and you missed them as blog posts, be sure to click the link to check them out.


The Top “Comment-Getting” Blog Posts:

Combating Quiet Time Distractions: 101

Soul 101: Exhale

8 Ways to Choose Joy in Times of Suffering

How to Dig Deeper into the Bible: Write It

How to Dig Deeper into the Bible: Read It

How to Revive a Dry and Thirsty Soul

10 Ways to Cultivate a Heart of Thanks

It is so very interesting to look back and see where the big conversations took place.  I’m definitely seeing a theme here!
By the way, I love COMMENTS.  They serve to continue the conversation and help to make our connection more personal!  Keep them coming!


The Top Website Pages for 2017:

Home Page

Journaling for the Soul

Journaling Resources

Scripture Challenges

Digging Deeper Resources and Praying in Color*: for Our Grandchildren

Are any of these pages new to you?  There are many, many helps and resources available on the website.  If you haven’t yet traveled beyond the blog posts, I invite you to go check out some of the other pages on the site.
And finally, the Top Ten Posts of 2017…


Top Posts by Number of Views:

#10  How to Dig Deeper into the Bible: Use Tools

#9  How to Dig Deeper into the Bible:  Write It

#8  10 Ways to Cultivate a Heart of Thanks

#7  Digging Deeper Kids: Verse Mapping

#6  One Word for 2017

#5  8 Ways to Choose Joy in Times of Suffering

#4  Verse Mapping

#3  John 17:3 – A Verse Map

#2  Verse Mapping with a Twist

#1  Who Am I?  My Identity in Christ

Did you notice?  (Okay, you probably wouldn’t!)
Half of the Top Ten Posts for 2017 were brand new posts written just this year.  The other half, perennial favorites from previous years.  50/50

I hope you enjoyed the look back as much as I did.  You are a part of the journey, and I thank you!

Thank you for reading, for taking time from your busy schedule to be a part of the blog readership.  Without you this wouldn’t be nearly as interesting or fun!
You, sweet reader, are precious to me!
I pray that as you reflect upon 2017 and ready yourself to enter 2018, you would be filled with the HOPE and PEACE that is yours through Jesus Christ our Lord!
See you next year!

An INVITATION — into community, growth, and refreshment for your soul
The Nourish Your Soul:  30 Day Challenge is returning for 2018.  It begins in just a few days and will run from January 1 through January 30.  I would love to have you join us.
This FREE challenge is an opportunity for some intentional soul care.  Nourishing Scriptures are posted daily and participants are encouraged to engage with them and each other in a variety of ways.  There are no hard and fast requirements.  Simply come and engage as you are able.
This time around there are again two options for participating.  Choose the one that is right for you:
Click HERE to sign up to receive the FREE Nourish Your Soul 30 Day Challenge delivered directly to your email.
OR if you prefer working in community, click HERE to join our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP. Beginning January 1, 2018, one Scripture will be posted on the group page each day for thirty days.  Here members of the community will be able to receive support and encouragement as they work through the challenge.
Come.  Join us for thirty days in God’s Word with daily scriptures that are food for the soul and truth for your mind.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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