I love summer. There are so many opportunities to spend time with my family both near and far. In fact, since the beginning of June I have enjoyed time with each of my children’s families which means time with all eight of our grandchildren. And there are more visits planned.
As I reflect on this time of year and the occasions it provides for grandmas to enjoy visits with their precious grandchildren, I thought I would share some simple Tips for Grandmas.
Keep these in mind as you spend time in their home or as they visit yours.
Tips for Grandma
1. Smile. Our grandchildren need smiles from us.
2. Make eye contact with your grandchildren when communicating with them.
3. Read to them.
4. Read Scripture to them.
5. Do a project with your grandchildren.
7. Create family traditions.
8. Listen.
9. Ask.
10. Pray for your grandchildren.
11. Pray with your grandchildren.
12. Get silly.
13. Play with your grandchildren.
14. Try new things and activities with them.
15. Say, “I love you,” often.
16. Speak positive words over them and to them.
17. Live by example.
18. Take lots and lots of pictures.
19. Attend their important events and activities whenever possible.
20. Write them a love letter.