Honestly, I can’t think of a better gift we can give to our grandchildren than the gift of prayer. Among many other things, our prayers help us be involved in the lives of our grandchildren and serve to close geographical and generational distances between our grandchildren and us. Additionally, our prayers can stop Satan’s schemes and powers toward our grandchildren and have an eternal impact on their lives. Without a doubt there is no greater gift we can give to them.
[Explore the many benefits of prayer for your grandchildren]
Of course, we can (and should) pray for our grandchildren every day of every year. And certainly, we can pray alone on our knees, in our prayer closet, or waiting in line. But sometimes, it does us a special good to designate a special time for focused prayer and invite others to join us in it.
Praying In Community
Jesus both modeled (Mark 1:35) and taught (Matthew 6:5) private prayer. Clearly it was of value to Him. However, He also modeled and taught corporate prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) showing it, too, was valued by Him.
Additionally, we see corporate prayer recorded throughout the book of Acts. Here we read of the members of the early church praying together during times of persecution (Acts 4:23-31), when sending out gospel workers (Acts 13:1-3), when appointing church leaders (Acts 14:23), and so many more examples. Truly corporate prayer was held in high value.
Praying with others:
- Helps to hold us accountable to our commitment to pray.
- Unites us with other like-minded grandparents.
- Provides the opportunity for sharing prayer requests and prayers.
- Opens an avenue for the exchange of ideas.
- Blesses the praying parties with the gift of encouragement.
Your Invitation
Beginning Saturday, August 10, 2024, we will hold our 8th annual observance of the 30-day Prayer Challenge for Grandparents.
The corporate observance will take place on our Passing the Faith Facebook page where thirty Scripture-based prayer prompts will be posted daily.
The challenge is simple. If you are not already a member of the page, request to join. Then click the three dots on the right side of the upper menu to manage your notifications. (You want to do this to help ensure that you see the daily prayer prompt posts.) Once you have the details set, you are ready for the challenge.
Each day (beginning on August 10th) at your convenience, pull up the prompt and use it to inform your prayers for your grandchildren. Beyond this, the amount of your involvement in the challenge is entirely up to you. There is no pressure or signing on a line! You may simply pray, knowing that other grandparents around the world are using the same prompts to pray for their grandchildren. Or you may share your thoughts on the prayer prompt or tidbits from your prayers in the daily threads creating community with other participants. Requests and praises are also encouraged as we encourage one another and offer accountability.
We would love to have you join us on this journey. This is your invitation to become part of our prayer community.
Details And Tools
The “corporate” version of the 30-day Prayer Challenge will begin on August 10, 2024, and run for thirty consecutive days.
The following tools are available as additional resources for the challenge but are not a necessary component:
30-day Prayer Challenge Booklet (free PDF download) – Suggestions, ideas, and other helps for getting more from the challenge. Also includes a complete list of the thirty Scripture-based prayer prompts.
30-day Prayer Challenge Journal (PDF download) – A place to record your Prayer Challenge journey which may include your thoughts, reflections, prayers, etc.
I pray you will consider joining us on this one-of-a-kind grandparenting journey as together we give our grandchildren one of the greatest gifts they can receive.