Old Age is certainly not for the faint of heart! There is, in fact, something quite unsettling about realizing we have either reached that season of life or are quickly approaching it.
I think the reason we feel this way may be that we are quick to buy into culture’s view of old age — their good years behind them, seniors are past their prime, irrelevant, and unable to keep up.
Adopting this view, we spend these precious years mourning the fleeting time; bemoaning the gray hair, wrinkles, skin spots, and extra weight; and longing to hold on to what was. As we do, we lose sight of God’s truth.
The Twisting
There is no denying the many problems associated with old age. Skin becomes thin and translucent. Many carry more pounds on a body turned frail. Muscles ache, wrinkles multiply, and memories fade. It’s not a pretty picture, but these problems are not new. They have, in fact, plagued every generation since the Fall.
Our difficulties come when we forget that one of Satan’s most effective strategies is to take truth (There are certain limitations that come to those in old age.) and twist it (Those of old age are useless.) — sometimes ever so subtly.
When, with our guard down, we set our hearts on things we no longer have – the precious bygone memories, the physical frame of our youth, the things we remember as good – we fall into Satan’s trap. Eyes on ourselves, ruled by time, consumed with what we perceive as loss, our gaze is shifted from Christ.
The Truth
“Abraham breathed his last and died in a good old age, an old man and full of years, and was gathered to his people.”
Genesis 25:8
The truth is: While there are some bad things associated with old age, the picture is far from bleak and hopeless. Indeed, there is a “good” old age.
In the Bible we read of many blessings that come to those in this season called old age — abiding contentment (1 Timothy 6:6), increased wisdom (Proverbs 3:13), unshakable faith (Psalm 138:8), and many, many more.
With our mind set on things above (Colossians 3:2) and our gaze transfixed on Jesus, we are reminded of power-wielding truth.
God is greater than time. His promises extend beyond all its limits, and through Christ, time’s curse has been overturned.
Jesus came so that we may have abundant life (John 10:10). It was never His intention that we spend our “senior” years in life-sapping fear, regret, or sadness. Jesus came to bring life, no matter our season!
The Finish Line
The enemy of our soul pulls no punches. He will do everything in his power to distract us, pull our eyes off Jesus Christ, and render us ineffective. Do not be deceived. There is no way he wants us to spend these years passing a heritage of faith to the next generations.
In our old age, we would do well to consider Caleb, who at eighty-five years of age was still going strong (Joshua 14:10-11).
Instead of succumbing to the temptation to slow to a crawl or giving up completely, we must determine to finish the race and finish it well.
Looking to Jesus and clinging to His truths, we are to continue to run – not slowing, but picking up the pace, right through the tape, all the way to the finish.
Do you have a desire to be among those who finish well?
I invite you to join us in our private Facebook Group where, beginning January 3, 2021, we will explore 26 biblical characteristics of those who finish well.
1 comment
Oh, Deborah, if you do your Facebook group again, please let me know. It sounds like something I would find great value in it. However, I am in the middle of a project that needs my focus. I have a love-hate relationship with getting older. On the one hand, it is such a privilege to be able to grow old. But I don’t like some of the physical parts of it. Thank you for sharing your post with us a Grace and Truth. Happy New Year. Maree