The fourth and final week – WORKSHOP.
**There were 6 girls in attendance for the very first time this month!!!
So… for their benefit, I took a few extra minutes to review each of the three Bible study methods we learned over the course of the first three weeks:
- Praying Scripture in Color
- Verse Mapping
- Scripture Journaling with/without Art
I then did a quick reminder of some of the many ways one can choose to Scripture Journal:
- Rewriting the verse as one meditates upon it
- Rewriting the verse and adding one’s own thoughts or reflections
- Rephrasing the verse
- Journaling song lyrics with an appropriate Scripture
- Journaling things one has learned from a Christian-authored book
- Journaling sermon notes
The remainder of our time was spent engaging with Scripture using the method of our choice.
Looking back on my experience:
- I had a blast getting to know some young ladies in our church whom I never would have crossed paths with otherwise.
- I saw one young lady’s body language move from “I’d rather not be here” to “I can’t get enough” in just two-three weeks.
- More than 26 girls and their mothers have now been introduced to new ways for engaging with their Bible.
- Each of them was not only introduced to new methods but had opportunity to practice them.
- I observed each participant being ABLE to engage with her Bible. (Not every entry was at the same level, but each girl was able to do as she could.)
- Each girl can now read the Bible independently if she chooses.
- I smile as I think of the girls who were extremely excited about what they learned and their eagerness to continue.