4 Practical Ideas for Performing the Work of Prayer

Last week we concluded our look at overcoming life’s daily hindrances to prayer with a quote by Oswald Chambers.Mr. Chambers, it seems, viewed prayer as work, and he is not alone. A look at the letters of the apostle Paul would indicate that he, too, viewed prayer as work. Check it out. You will find…

Written by

Deborah Haddix

Published on

August 13, 2020
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Last week we concluded our look at overcoming life’s daily hindrances to prayer with a quote by Oswald Chambers.


Mr. Chambers, it seems, viewed prayer as work, and he is not alone. A look at the letters of the apostle Paul would indicate that he, too, viewed prayer as work. Check it out. You will find him often exhorting believers to join him in the work (labor) of prayer.

Working at Prayer

There are two very important ways to perform this work. One is to do it privately. The other is to work at it publicly.

Private Prayer

Jesus is our example, and he both modeled and taught private prayer.

In Mark 1:35 as in many other places, it is recorded that Jesus got alone and prayed.

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. 

Mark 1:35

Whatever the time of day that works best for you, it is imperative that we follow the example of Jesus.

In addition to modeling private prayer, Jesus taught this important practice during His ministry on earth.

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. 

Matthew 6:6

Private prayer is crucial and an important aspect of our work.

Corporate Prayer

Yes, Jesus modeled and taught private prayer, but we must not overlook the fact that He also modeled and taught corporate prayer.

Consider the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Jesus’ language in both His instruction and example are filled with corporate language – our, us, we.

Clearly, His expectation is that we pray “together (corporately).

Not only do we see corporate prayer being modeled and taught by Jesus, we find it being practiced by those of the early church. All we need do is visit the book of Acts, and we find them meeting together in the temple to pray, praying together when they were persecuted, when they sent out gospel workers, and when church leaders were appointed, just to mention a few examples.

Corporate prayer is part of the work.

4 Practical Ideas for Performing the Work of Prayer

The work of prayer is important work, but it doesn’t come easy for most of us. Last week we looked at some practical ways to overcome our common hindrances to prayer.

This week, we’ll consider 4 ideas for performing the work of prayer.

  1. Let others know you are praying for them. This little practice provides encouragement to those for whom you pray while adding a bit of accountability for yourself.
  2. Think of corporate prayer as praying face-to-face. Faces help to make things seem more personal, and this is helpful especially to those who fear praying in larger groups. Pray with a single prayer partner, in small prayer groups gathered in someone’s home, or in small break-out groups during church prayer meetings
  3. Make good use of technology for prayer. If face-to-face simply isn’t possible, pray with another over the phone or via FaceTime, Skype or an online prayer group.
  4. Share your prayer requests with others. Yes, praying for others is important, but the work of prayer does not stop there. Being vulnerable before others and asking for prayer for our own needs is an essential part of the work. Doing so:
  • conveys your own need for prayer
  • that you are still growing and don’t have all the answers
  • expresses to others that their prayers are important
  • communicates our need for each other
  • blesses another as they feel entrusted with the privilege of praying for you.

30-Day Prayer Challenge for Grandparents

CLICK HERE to download your FREE Prayer Challenge booklet and begin your own 30 days of prayer for your grandchildren or join us beginning August 15, 2020 as we take the Prayer Challenge corporately in a private Facebook group.



  • Thank you for this good reminder. When I first became an empty-nester, and folks were asking what I was going to do with all my extra time, I took that question to God, wondering if I should go back to work. And that is when I heard His answer, “Your work is prayer.” So, wow, that was 10 years ago now, and your words brought tears to my eyes tonight, remembering that. May we allow Him to do His work in us as we pray and do our part. Blessings to you.

  • […] about it but pray.  So Deborah Haddix of http://www.deborahhaddix.com struck just the right chord with me in 4 Practical Ideas for Performing the Work of Prayer.  Thank you for linking up, […]

  • Joyful Abundant Life

    Often I will send an email or text message to the person or persons on my list for the day. Just something to encourage them in the Lord and to let them know that they are prayed for. Good tips. Thank you.

  • Lisa notes...

    These are good tips. And so pertinent to these times as well! I feel like my prayer life has definitely taken a hit since covid because I’m no longer praying with many face-to-face. Glad you linked up at Grace & Truth.

  • Deborah

    I love this article. I really believe that we sometimes look at prayer as work, thank you for these awesome tips

  • Thank you for this post on prayer. We can never have enough tips and reminds on how to pray more often and more effectively.

  • I am facing a huge spiritual battle within my family right now and prayer is the work that I can do. Thank you for these practical tips.

  • I like the way you explain point number four: sharing our prayer requests…specifically the sub point about showing others that we don’t have all the answers. I don’t have all the answers. Please say a prayer for me today that God would reveal every hidden thing to me and guide me as I make a very important decision. Thank you.

  • Lauren, You are welcome. Praying for you as you suit up for battle and wield your mighty weapon of prayer. May your work be blessed beyond measure.

  • Praying for you right now, Yvonne! May I AM be your light and your guide as you make this decision. I pray that He would be glorified in both the deciding and the outcome. God’s peace be yours.

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About the Author

Deborah Haddix

I am a child of God, wife, mom, grandma, daughter, sister, niece, and friend who loves nothing better than spending time with those I love.

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